TCEDC Newsletter - June - Fueling Progress

Dear Friends and Partners,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and full of excitement as we exit the month of June and enter the 4th of July weekend. The Tuscarawas County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC) is thrilled to update you on the latest developments and initiatives shaping our county's economic landscape. It has been an eventful period, with various projects and partnerships paving the way for growth and opportunity in our region.

Investment in Workforce: Fueling Progress

One of the key focuses for the TCEDC has been investing in workforce development to support the expansion of existing businesses. We are proud to tell you that we have several workforce development initiatives in the works. These include the development of an Ohio Manufacturers Association, Industry Sector Partnership, as well as lending our support to the upcoming Dale Lauren Foland Manufacturing Camp at Buckeye Career Center. It is our hope the Industry Sector Partnership will help us bring together our uniquely diverse group of manufacturers to develop one of the best workforce development think-tanks in the State of Ohio.

Preparing for the Future

A skilled and adaptable workforce is crucial for attracting new industries and supporting existing businesses. The TCEDC, in collaboration with local educational institutions and training providers, continues to focus on workforce development initiatives. We are working to help align training programs with the evolving needs of our target industries, ensuring that our workforce remains competitive and prepared for the jobs of the future.

Housing in Tuscarawas County

This month at the First Federal Community Banks Financial Education Center in Dover, we held a meeting with community stakeholders regarding our housing needs. Featuring John Miller from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, we learned of programs available to rural residents looking to have new homes built and older home’s rehabilitated. John Miller also discussed possible changes in policy that would promote more housing opportunities in Tuscarawas County.

Community Spotlight: Celebrating Success

We would like to celebrate the success of Tuscarawas County industry-based-businesses that have achieved remarkable milestones. We are immensely proud of the companies we have here and the positive impact they have on our local economy. If you know of any outstanding businesses or individuals who deserve recognition, please reach out to us, and we will gladly feature them in future newsletters.

Upcoming Event: Manufacturing Camp

The Dale Lauren Foland Manufacturing Camp is being held on July 17th to the 19th led by local business leaders and manufacturing companies. This event is held annually at the Buckeye Career Center, and gives kids an opportunity to tour some of our great local manufacturing facilities. It helps provide junior high school students valuable opportunities that expose them to a world of creativity, while allowing them to explore the wide variety of potential careers offered here in Tuscarawas County.

Stay Connected and Engaged

As always, we encourage you to stay connected with the TCEDC through our website and social media channels. We are dedicated to keeping you informed about the latest developments, events, and opportunities in Tuscarawas County. Feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to learn more about how you can contribute to our county's economic growth.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are unlocking a brighter future for Tuscarawas County.


Tuscarawas County Economic Development Corporation