TCTID — Tuscarawas County EDC

Tuscarawas County Transportation Improvement District (TCTID)

The Tuscarawas County Transportation Improvement District (TCTID) is a form of local government that strives to promote intergovernmental and public-private cooperation of transportation resources and investments.

The purpose of the TCTID is to secure and provide funding for transportation projects that promote economic development in terms of job creation, job retention, and private sector capital investment.

Ohio House Bill 74 Section 203.40 approved by the 134th Ohio General Assembly provides $4.5M in funding each fiscal year of the biennium. TID program funding can be used on all publicly owned roadways in Ohio. 

TIDs are permitted to submit multiple applications per funding round. The funding provided for each project is limited to $500,000 per fiscal year. Section 203.40 specifies that TIDs co-sponsoring a specific project may individually apply for up to $500,000 for that project. Co-sponsoring TIDs are registered TIDs that have adjacent county lines.

Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis, and successful grantees must enter into a written agreement with ODOT within 60 days of the award notification. Project costs must be incurred after the funding agreement has been fully executed to be eligible for reimbursement.

To learn more about TID’s in State of Ohio see the ODOT website right here.